[Prodi Kewirausahaan Jurusan Manajemen FEB UB Proudly Present] Are you an entrepreneur who wants to help the society or want to be an e...
[Prodi Kewirausahaan Jurusan Manajemen FEB UB Proudly Present]
Are you an entrepreneur who wants to help the society or want to be an entrepreneur?
Are you a person who always concern about social economics condition, want to make an impact but do not know how?
CBCC 2019 present you a Talkshow "Globalizing Local Wisdom for Sustainability".
📍 : Aula Gedung F Pascasarjana FEB UB
📆 : 11th September 2019
Key note speaker :
1. Bayu Skak - Youtuber/Content Creator
2. Indartato - Major of Pacitan
3. Dinar Hana - Entrepreneur
You will not only get knowledge on how to be a good socio-preneur, but also develop your motivation about social and economy. So claim your seat now by filling this form creatonomics.id/seminar
For more information:
Firda: firdahr / 081249642815
Jiylan: jiylanfi / 082132733668
and you can find us on :
Line. : @944ricfp
Instagram : @creatonomics
Twitter : @creatonomics
E-mail : creatonomics.competition@gmail.com